Burtie Bones

16 June, 2011: Thursday

I have finally baked dog treats! I wanted to move beyond the frozen world of treats and have now sucessfully executed baked goods. These treats were fairly simple and are a hit in the ol’ household. A lot of recipes I looked over catered more to the owner rather than the dog, and were not responsible choices. However, I was able to find a recipe that had minimal ingredients. These treats include: flaxseed meal, oats, peanut butter, flour and water. Pretty simple and wholistic.

Knowing that I was going to bake I purchased cute cookie cutters! This little store by my house has an array of kitschy kitchen items. It worked out well!

4 Responses to “Burtie Bones”

  1. ashleyedu said

    Very cute! Could you post the recipe? I just got a dog and would love to save some money by making my own treats.

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